Public Lecture on Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The International University of Management (IUM) successfully hosted a Public Lecture on Artificial Intelligence (AI), on 23 May 2024, under the Theme: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

The programme was directed by Ms. Melba Sitwala, the University Librarian, who at the very onset of the programme outlined that AI is a trending topic in every sector, and this public lecture came at the right time.The Pro-Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Research and Innovation, Prof. Charles Makanyeza, welcomed the audience to the public lecture, emphasising on why public lectures, such as this one, on AI are important in our time. He stated that, “AI has the potential to find solutions to complex situations facing humanity, from managing climate changes to disease prevention and treatment.  

On the contrary, the advent of AI also raises important ethical concerns and critical questions about authenticity of output, job displacement and intellectual property rights. Therefore, it is our mutual responsibility to engage with these concerns so critically and thoughtfully, to ensure that the disposition of AI in our lives is aligned with our core values and serves us the greater good”, said Prof. Makanyeza.


The Public Lecture Presenter was Prof. Tutaleni I. Asino. He is the Associate Professor of Learning, Design, and Technology,  and the Director of the Emerging Technology and Creativity Research Lab at the Oklahoma State University’s College of Education and Human Sciences, in the USA. Prof. Asino’s insightful presentation illuminated the many angles of AI, from its groundbreaking applications in our daily lives, to the ethical considerations it entails. Prof. Asino’s ability to clarify complex AI concepts into understandable and engaging content, had truly made the Public Lecture accessible to all attendees, regardless of their prior knowledge in the field of AI. The depth of AI knowledge and passion that Prof. Asino brought to the Public Lecture was inspiring and captivating, sparking curiosity and deeper interest among all attendees. Prof. Asino emphasised that AI is here to stay, we must make a peaceful co-existence with it.

The high level of engagement from our audience was another key indicator of the success of the public lecture. The relevant and thoughtful questions posed during the question-and-answer session has demonstrated not only a keen interest in the topic, but also a deeper understanding of the AI. It was satisfying to see active participation, reflecting a community eager to delve into the mechanics of AI and its implications on our lives. The lively networking and discussions that followed the public lecture were a testament to the stimulating nature of the public lecture and the different perspectives it sparked.


The turnout for the public lecture was remarkable. The physical and virtual audience which comprised students, professionals, academics and members of the public has highlighted the widespread interest in AI and underline the relevance of this topic in public discourse. Such a robust attendance reaffirmed the value of public lectures in disseminating knowledge and fostering public engagement on trending topics such as AI. 


Keep watching our social media space for upcoming public lectures.
