Welcome To IUM, A Namibian University Dedicated to its People's Future
International Students

IUM is a fully Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA) accredited University, IUM is fully registered by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) and IUM’s tuition fees are affordable
IUM offers marketable and development-oriented programmes ranging from Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelor Honours, Masters degrees and Doctoral degrees.
♦ All foreign students not taught in English must sit an English assessment exam during registration to confirm any conditions of entry.
♦ All international students must have a valid entry or study visa when they register.
♦ All international students must have an original police clearance also called good citizen certificate, good conduct certificate, police clearance certificate, etc., from a country of origin.
♦ Non-SADC Students will be required to pay an additional N$ 1,000.00 towards deposit.
♦ SADC students are not required to pay additional fees
♦ All international students must make prior arrangements with management to guarantee the payment of their fees