IUM Centre for Languages and Communication (CLC)

Welcome to the Centre for Languages and Communication

IUM Centre for Languages and Communication, we train you to be a fluent communicator and we solve barrier of communication.

About CLC

The IUM Centre for Languages and Communication (CLC) welcomes you. The CLC emerged from the Department of Languages and Communication. This department has been offering vital languages and communication courses to all IUM students across various Faculties. The CLC serves as the central hub for all students as they engage in their pursuit of university core modules encompassing languages and communication.

Our main goal is for students at all academic levels to have improved communication and English language ability. Furthermore, we have a strong commitment to support the university’s internationalisation initiatives. Our courses fully cover four different areas such as:

  1. Languages and Communication
  2. English Language Education
  3. Foreign Languages Unit & Writing
  4. Tutorial Centre Unit

The Languages and Communication core modules designed to enhance the communication abilities of all IUM students, while English Language education is designed to support aspiring student teachers who are specialising in English language teaching. Additionally, we provide a range of Foreign Language subjects to foster linguistic diversity and global awareness.

Furthermore, we understand that success in academics is not solely determined by what happens in the classroom. To support our students in their educational journey, CLC offers essential services such as the Writing Unit, which equips learners with the skills necessary for effective written communication. Moreover, our Tutorial Centre offers invaluable assistance for NSSCO/ NSSCAS subjects under the Ministry of Education, ensuring that students who have not achieved success in their examinations are provided with opportunities to acquire subject content knowledge and improve their examination techniques. Moreover, The CLC programme – Bachelor of Arts in English and Applied Communication Honours –  aims at training skilled individuals with a solid command of the English language, knowledge of the subject matter, and the required abilities, to successfully communicate in various contexts including electronic and digital media.

Thank you for choosing the IUM Centre for Languages and Communication as your partner in academic and linguistic growth.

Empowering Communication, Enriching Lives.

Director’s Welcoming Remarks

I am pleased to extend a warm and cordial welcome to you on behalf of the IUM Centre for Languages and Communication (CLC). The Centre for Languages and Communication plays a pivotal role in equipping IUM students across various faculties with essential languages and communication skills. We are firmly committed to the cultivation of communicative competence, the enhancement of language proficiency, the promotion of academic success, and the pursuit of rigorous research endeavors.

We firmly believe that academic success extends beyond the classroom. To this end, CLC offers vital services such as the Writing Unit, designed to equip students with the skills necessary for effective academic writing. Furthermore, our flagship program, the Bachelor of Arts in English and Applied Communication Honours, aims to produce skilled individuals with a strong command of the English language, subject knowledge, and the requisite abilities to communicate effectively across various contexts, including electronic and digital media.

Additionally, our Tutorial Centre provides invaluable assistance for NSSCO/ NSSCAS subjects under the Ministry of Education, ensuring that students who may have faced challenges in their examinations have the opportunity to improve their subject content knowledge and examination techniques.

I encourage you to explore our website to discover more about our courses, services, and the dedicated faculty and staff, who are here to guide and support you throughout your educational journey.

Director’s Biography

Dr. Frieda Nanyeni-Kanyemba is the Director of the Centre for Languages and Communication. Her journey at the International University of Management (IUM) began in 2017. Prior to taking up her present role as Director, Dr. Nanyeni-Kanyemba joined the IUM as a lecturer for the department of Languages and Communication. Her commitment to teaching languages and fostering effective communication skills among students has been a hallmark of her professional journey.

From 2014 to 2019, she served as a part-time lecturer and marker-tutor at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST). Additionally she has been working at the University of Namibia (UNAM) as examination Moderator for English language education courses.

Dr Nanyeni-Kanyemba had a successful career as a teacher, head teacher and coordinator. Between 2010 and 2015, she played a role in teaching English as both First and Second Language at Academia Secondary School.

Dr Nanyeni-Kanyemba’s academic achievements include a Ph.D. in Rhetoric Studies from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2019. Her commitment to linguistic precision and excellence is further evident through her acquisition of a UCT Certificate in Copy-editing and Proofreading in 2021.

Her academic journey also encompasses a Master’s Degree in English and a Bachelor Honours in Education, specialising in English and Economics, both obtained from the University of Namibia. Additionally, she holds a Bachelor of English (Honours) from the Namibian University of Science and Technology (NUST).

Dr Nanyeni-Kanyemba strongly believes that in the realm of academia, research is the driving force, and the complexity of rhetoric studies is embraced as a significant facet of language and communication.

My academic journey places research as a fundamental aspect, propelled by a profound passion for knowledge acquisition and the pursuit of novel ideas. My primary research interests encompass rhetoric, English language, communication, politics, and law, with the aim of exploring the intricate dynamics of persuasive communication, the subtleties of linguistic expression, and the manner in which language shapes our comprehension of politics and the legal system.

Recent Publication

Nanyeni-Kanyemba, F. N. (2023). COVID-19: A Heuristic Justification of Presidency as a Rhetorical Institution. NAWA Journal of Language and Communication, 16(2), 31–41. Retrieved from http://journals.nust.na/index.php/njlc/article/view/35

Nanyeni-Kanyemba, F. & Ithindi S., (2021). Integration of ICTs in the training of English Students in times of Covid-19, 2021 3rd International Multidisciplinary Information Technology and Engineering Conference (IMITEC), pp. 1-4,

doi: 10.1109/IMITEC52926.2021.9714599

Contact Us

To reach to the Centre for inquiries or assistance, use the email or phone number below:


Tel:061 433 6118/6000