Japan enriches IUM with Study and Research materials

On Thursday, 14 September 2023, IUM Dorado Main Campus hosted a handover ceremony for a donation of eighty five books in various areas, notably, Politics and International Relations, Economy and Business, Society and Culture, Literature and Arts as well as History. The books were donated by the Read Japan Project through the Embassy of Japan to the Republic of Namibia.

Handing over the books to IUM on behalf of the Read Japan Project, His Excellency Mr. Nishimaki Hisao the Ambassador of Japan to Namibia, remarked that the purpose of the donation is to support study and research in Namibia and hence promote understanding between the two countries. Pointing out that, he hopes that, some graduates from IUM will one day serve as a bridge between Namibia and Japan.

In his welcoming and acceptance remarks, IUM Vice Chancellor Prof. Osmund Mwandemele stated that the books donated hold the power to bridge gaps, ignite imaginations, transform lives, and are gateways to different worlds and catalyst for change. “As we receive these books, we also gather to celebrate the act of giving by the people of Japan. This donation will with no doubt, enrich our library’s collection, provide our students, researchers, and the broader community with valuable resources to expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of the world”, said Prof. Mwandemele.

In expressing a vote of appreciation on behalf of IUM for the donation, Dr. Hendrina Udjombala, Director of CIIP, Student & Customer Liaison stated that IUM is immensely grateful for the book donation that has been generously provided. “The Books received will enrich our library and support our educational initiatives. This donation will have a lasting impact on the individuals who access these resources. You dedication and commitment to improving intellectual literacy and education are truly commendable”, she concluded.
