Faculty of Health Sciences

Ready to make a lasting impact in healthcare?
Embark on a transformative journey of compassion and excellence as you step into the welcoming embrace of our Faculty of Health Sciences, where we empower the next generation of caregivers to make a lasting impact on lives and communities.
About the Faculty
The qualifications offered in the Faculty of Health Sciences are designed to educate and train professional heal workers who are able to adapt to the changing demands of the health care industry in tandem with extending boundaries of healthcare delivery. It is envisaged that the qualification will equip students with high quality career orientated health education that meets the lifelong learning needs of the students.
The Faculty offers a variety of clinical and educational training and academic career options in the context of health care, and research. The Faculty has three departments (Department of Nursing and Midwifery, Department of Public Health and Wellness studies and a Department of Pharmacy). Offering both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Our qualifications are designed to respond to health challenges in Namibia, Africa and Global. Our students are prepared with appropriate skills for the health care industry. Our team of academic staff work hard and are dedicated to produce competent caring health care practitioners who are passionate about impacting the health and lives of the Namibian society.
Welcome to the Faculty of Health Sciences at IUM. The faculty is located at Dorado Campus.
We have a vibrant and unique identity rooted in our innovative and critical approach to nursing and health science education. The programmes offered are of high academic and professional standard.
Theoretical and clinical nursing and Pharmacist ‘s assistant education is offered simultaneously and the students are allocated to clinical sites early in the programme.
We have cooperated agreements with the private and public health care institutions to accommodate the students for clinical learning experiences.
We are dedicated to ensuring that our students are prepared for the workplace when they leave IUM!
-Professor Agnes van Dyk
Dean the Faculty of Health Science
Prof. Agnes Van Dyk is the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at IUM with effect from 01 April 2013. Prior to IUM, she was employed by UNAM as a full professor till see retired in 2012.
Prof. Van Dyk holds a PhD in Nursing from the University of Namibia and various Professional nursing qualifications.
Prof. Van Dyk has over thirty years of experience in nursing education in Namibia.
Contact Us
Prof. Agnes Van Dyk
Dean: Faculty of Health Sciences
Tel: 0614336000
Email: a.vandyk@ium.edu.na
Dr. Michael Mulondo
HOD: Public Health & Wellness Studies
Contacts: 0614336000
Email: m.mulondo@ium.edu.na
Prof. Stephanie Van Der Walt
HOD: Nursing & Midwifery
Tel: 0614336000