AAcademic Journals Academic Journals accelerate the dissemination of knowledge through the publication of
high- qualityresearch articles using the open-access model.AJ hosts 125 Access Journals
in various subjects as follows: Medical Sciences (34journals) , Social Sciences (12),
Biological Sciences (27),Agricultural sciences (12), Physical Sciences (8), Engineering(9)
, Arts and Education (18), LegalStudies (1) Others (4)
AAfrica Journals Online African Journals OnLine (AJOL) is the world's largest and preeminent platform for
African- published scholarly journals. AJOL hosts 584 Journals including 306 Open Access
Journals Subject strength: Arts, tourism, language & literature, health,science &
technology, social sciences, information science, education, psychology,finance and
management and HIV/AIDs
AAfrican Journal Archive The African Journal Archive is a retrospective open-access journal service that preserves
and makes available African journal literature dating as far back as 1906, originating
from a wide base of publishers and societies on the African continent. The database has
180 Journals out of which 117 are Open Access
BBioline InternationalBioline International is a pioneer in the provision of open access to peer-reviewed
bioscience journals published in developing countries.
BBiomed CentralBioMed Central is a pioneer of open-access publishing. The database has an evolving portfolio
of high-quality peer-reviewed journals including broad interest titles such as BMC Biology
and BMC Medicine, specialist journals such as Malaria Journal and Microbiome, and the BMC
Series.The database has over 220 open-access journals
BBioOneBioOne Complete is a database of more than 200 subscribed and open-access titles in the
biological, ecological, and environmental sciences.

The scope of coverage is as follows:
Agriculture & Agronomy (13), Biodiversity Conservation (51), Ecology (70),Entomology (38),
Environmental Sciences (33), Evolutionary Biology (20),Geology & Paleontology (30), Marine
& Freshwater Biology (17), Ornithology (15), Plant Sciences (48), Veterinary Sciences (13),
Zoology (65)
DDigital Commons Network The Digital Commons Network brings together free, full-text scholarly articles from hundreds
of universities and colleges worldwide. The Network includes a growing collection of
peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, dissertations, working papers, conference
proceedings, and other original scholarly work.
DDirectory of Open
Access Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) contains almost 17,500 peer-reviewed, open-access
journals covering all areas of science,technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and
EEBSCO Discovery
EDS helps you to discover the wealth of information that is available in the Library.From a
single search box, you will be able to access all the Library resources (print and electronic)
including articles from journals, ebooks, print books and much more….
EEconbiz EconBiz is a search portal for business studies and economics. Here you will find scholarly
publications such as journals, e-books, working papers and conferences in business studies
and economics.
EEducation Resources
Information Center
The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) of the Institution of Education Sciences
allows you to search by topic for material related to the field of education.The service
primarily indexes journals, grey literature (such as technical reports, white papers, and
government documents),and books. All sources of material on ERIC go through a
formal review process before being indexed.
E Emerald Insight Multidisciplinary eJournal collection.Subject coverage: Accounting, Finance & Economics;
Business,Management & Strategy; Education; Engineering; Health & Social Care; HR, Learning
& Organization Studies; Information & Knowledge Management; Library Sciences; Marketing;
Operations, Logistics & Quality; Property Management & Built Environment; Public Policy
& Environmental Management and Tourism & Hospitality Management.
F FreeBooks4Doctors Over 375 unrestricted access to Free Medical Books
F Free Full pdf Over 80 million free scientific publications Life sciences | Health sciences
| Physics sciences and Engineering | Social Sciences and Humanities
F Frontiers Frontiers is a leading research publisher dedicated to providing the world’s scientists
with a rigorous and efficient publishing experience. Frontier covers over 1,800 academic
fields and is an open access platform to publish high-quality, high-impact research.
G Library The Library is a free, open online library aimed at providing quality
resources (journals, ebooks and more) on applied ethics, education and religious
studies from all over the world. Content in the library is harvested from more than
3,000 open-access repositories.
G Google Scholar Google Scholar is a general database (multi-disciplinary) containing
scholarly information. It provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.
H Hubmed Search free full text/review on medical literature
I Intech open e-books InTechOpen is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable over
the Internet. The site has more than 5,800 peer-reviewed Open Access books that can be
read,shared and downloaded Subjects covered: Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology;
Life sciences; Health sciences; Social sciences and Humanities
J JSTOR JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million journal articles, books, images, and primary
sources in 75 disciplines.
N National Academies
The National Academies Press (NAP) allows readers in most developing countries to obtain
Academies reports free from the NAP website in portable document format (PDF). Access is
also available to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, a multidisciplinary
journal that spans the biological, physical, and social sciences
N National Academies National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine provide peer-reviewed journals
and other publications
N Nepal Journals Online NepJOL is a database of journals published in Nepal, covering the full range of academic
disciplines.There are 263 journals listed on NepJOL and 28,960 articles; 28,209 of the
articles are available in fulltext (PDF).
O OpenDoar OpenDOAR is the quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories. You can
search and browse through thousands of registered repositories based on a range of
features, such as location, software or type of material held.
P Paperity The first multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers.
Provides 9,292,836 Papers and 16,685Journals
P Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks
P PubMed PubMed is a popular research platform for science and medical students. It allows
students to get access to millions of citations related to biomedical literature
and life science journals.
R Research4Life Research4Life provides institutions in lower- and middle-income countries with
online access to academic and professional peer-reviewed content; to up to 198,000
leading journals and books in the fields of health, agriculture, environment,
applied sciences and legal information. Research4Life comprises the following 5
content collections: Research for Health (Hinari), Research in Agriculture (AGORA),
Research in the Environment (OARE), Research forDevelopment and Innovation (ARDI)
and Research for Global Justice (GOALI)Contact the Library for login credentials
S Sabinet African
Sabinet African Journals provides a comprehensive, searchable collection of full-text African
electronic journals, offering over 600 titles across 10 collections. This user-friendly,
accessible platform supports individuals, corporations, universities, government departments,
research institutions, and law firms. Adhering to international journal standards, it promotes
research efficacy and offers various business models.
S Semantic Scholar Semantic Scholar defines itself not just as a research database but also as a "search and
discovery tool." Semantic Scholar harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to efficiently
sort through millions of science-related papers based on your search terms.
S ScienceOpen ScienceOpen offers OA to more than 74 million articles in all areas of science. Although you do
need to register to view the full text of articles, registration is free. The advanced search
function is highly detailed, allowing you to find exactly the research you're looking for.
T Talyor and Francis
Group Journals
Talyor and Francis group journals brings together over 2,700 journals, including
the world’s largest program of Social Science and Humanities journals published
by Routledge; cutting-edge theoretical and applied Science, Technology and
Medicine content from Taylor & Francis; and CogentOA, a suite of broad-spectrum
open access journals. Contact the Library for login credentials
U UNESCO The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) catalogue lists over 100,000 UNESCO documents and provides
access to the full text of many of these.
U UNECA The Knowledge Repository of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
offers unique knowledge and information about regional programmes, decisions and
resolutions promoting social and economic development in Africa.

The information resources include published materials such as flagship publications,
journal articles, conference proceedings, technical reports, mission reports, annual
reports, working papers, speeches and other grey literature.
W World Bank Open
Knowledge Repository
The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is the World Bank's official open-access
repository for its research outputs and knowledge products Main areas covered: law,
finance, agriculture, conflicts, forestry, economics, environmental, education,
gender, public health & natural disasters