Master of Science in Maritime and Shipping Management (NQF Level 9)
Description of the Qualification
The Master of Science in Maritime and Shipping Management is intended for students looking for management positions within the maritime and shipping industry, a highly international and globalized industry with a number of exciting challenges and opportunities. Rapid growth and competition in the global maritime and shipping industry have left shortfalls of professionals with the tools and techniques to manage maritime, ports and shipping operations, in accordance with maritime law and safety regulations.
Coupled with complex systems of ocean governance, ranging from codes of conduct to legally binding regional and international policies, maritime professionals who can chart the course ahead are in high demand. On the other hand, more than 90% of the world’s trade is transported by ships. Shipping is one of the most important sectors of the global economy. This qualification addresses these grand challenges from a range of perspective and help candidates to become management or policy-making professional capable of making decisions that consider the full range of economic, social, environmental and legal impacts of maritime business. This qualification provides a wide range of professional skills and can lead to a wide variety of job opportunities including ports management, operations management, logistics and distribution management, supply chain management, maritime consultations, maritime legal advising, insurance and maritime analysing. Furthermore, prospect graduates will be able to find employment with shipping lines, port authorities, and vessel traffic management organizations, the International Maritime Organization, and in risk management companies, this is a strategic development that would uplift the local business practice and knowledge to a higher echelon in the international shipping scene, associated with business management, international shipping finance, chartering, and other related issues.
This qualification as well aims to train individuals who will contribute to the global economy and provide solutions for Namibia and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) region’s in the Shipping and Port Management sector as well as to complement the Government’s efforts in addressing Shipping and Port Management issues affecting community members hence contributing towards the attainment of the National Vision 2030. Key stakeholders included The Namibia University of Science and Technology, Ministry of Works and Transport, the National Planning Commission and the Confederation of Namibia Fishing Associations. This qualification targets qualified staff in maritime and shipping industry or relevant sectors in possession of an Honours Degree NQF Level 8 or equivalent qualifications as well as staff within management and consulting activities in maritime and shipping industry or relevant sectors.
Admission Requirements
To be admitted into a Master of Science in Maritime and Shipping Management candidate/applicant must have a Bachelor of Transport and Logistics Management Honours or equivalent/ related qualification at NQF level 8.
Career opportunities
Employment opportunities may be found in the following public and private entities such as Ministry of Works and Transport; Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism; Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources; Ministry of Mines and Energy; Ministry of Higher Education (subsection on research); Namibia Commission of Research, Science and Technology; Benguela Current Commission; International University of Management; UNAM; NUST;UNDP; Namibia Port Authority; Namdock and many organizations both locally and internationally. Important of all opportunities is research and consultancy.
Qualification structure
YEAR 1 (0 Credits) | ||||
SEMESTER 1 (0 Credits) | ||||
Course Title | Course Code | Hours | NQF Level | Credits |
Advanced Academic Writing for Postgraduate Studies |
| 9 | (NCB) |
SEMESTER 2 (24 Credits) | ||||
Course Title | Course Code | Hours | NQF Level | Credits |
Research Methodology and Statistics |
| 9 | NCB |
Total Year 1 Hours & Credits |
YEAR 2 (120 Credits) | ||||
Year Course (120 Credits) | ||||
Course Title | Course Code | Hours | NQF Level | Credits |
Dissertation |
| 2400 | 9 | 240 |
Total Year 2 Hours & Credits |
| 2400 |
| 240 |