Postgraduate Diploma in Finance Management
This qualification was designed in response to the national need for professional financial practitioners in the Human Resource Strategic Plan 2025 which highlights the critical skills shortage of qualified Accountants and Chartered Accountants due to emerging Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) businesses. Holders of other qualifications can also register for this qualification. The course contains a range of new courses which are requisite for accounting and finance students. Courses include Auditing, Taxation, Project Management and Contemporary Finance Management. These courses lay a foundation for further studies at Masters degree level
The purpose of the qualification is to develop knowledge and skills in accounting and finance. Successful completion of this qualification will equip students with requisite tools and expertise to meet the ever-growing demand for quality financial services, as well as cope with the dynamic business environment. The graduates will possess both academic and soft skills that will enable them to contribute immensely to the economy of Namibia.
Admission Requirements
Admission to this qualification is restricted to categories 1 and 2 criteria for the Post Graduate Diploma in Finance Management (PGDFM).
Category 1: IUM applicants
Must have completed higher diploma plus two years relevant work experience and/or Bachelor Honours degree in Finance Management and/or Business Administration.
Category 2: Non IUM applicants
Relevant undergraduate degree and/or equivalent at NQF level 7 or 8 and/or determined by the IUM Senate.
Target Groups
This qualification targets students who want to become:
- Finance Managers, Officers and Chief Financial Officers,
- Financial analysts, controllers and/or directors
- Financial Advisors,
- Chartered Accountants,
- Finance educators.
Qualification Duration
- Minimum: 1 Year.
- Maximum:2 Years.
Outcomes of the whole Qualification
Holders of this qualification are able to:
- Prepare and analyse financial statements and reports
- Develop turnaround financial strategies, sound financial models and sustainable projects
- Demonstrate and apply skills and knowledge acquired to advise organisations in taxation, internal control, and project execution matters
- Demonstrate and apply skills and knowledge acquired to advise organisations in taxation, internal control, and project execution matters
Holders of Bachelor in Finance Management will be able to articulate to Master in Finance Management or any other qualification at level 9.
Credit transfer
Holders of academic qualifications obtained from other bona fide educational institutions may be granted exemptions on the subjects sat for and passed. The subjects for which exemption is sought must have been sat for and passed in one sitting and the qualification must have been obtained within a period of five years. The subjects for which exemption is sought must have been studied and the qualification obtained at an NQA accredited institution or equivalent. Credits from other universities and/or institutions may be awarded up to 50% of total credits for the qualification at IUM.
Both Formative and Summative assessment techniques are used. The assessment system comprises two components:
- Continuous Assessment (CA) 40% of the final grade.
- Formal Exams (FE) 60% of final mark.
Teaching methods/strategies
A wide range of teaching methods will be employed by lecturers from traditional lectures through to small decision-making groups, as well as the use of training films and videos and advanced business simulations. The teaching methods adapted for this programme are student-centred learning methods. Emphasis will be placed upon the need for a student to read extensively in each of the subjects. Each student will be mentored to appreciate that one will be expected to be responsible for one’s own learning.
YEAR 1 |
Auditing and Assurance I |
Taxation and Tax Planning I |
Contemporary Finance Management I |
Financial Reporting |
Electives Courses (Choose 1) |
Corporate Governance I |
Strategic Project Management I |
Auditing and Assurance II |
Taxation and Tax Planning II |
Contemporary Finance Management II |
Research Methodology and Project |
Electives Courses (Choose 1) |
Corporate Governance II |
Strategic Project Management II |